Thursday 6 February 2014

Minnie Mouse Bow Bun | How To

So if there are any girls out there who, like me, are still chasing that elusive dream of Disney-like hairstyles, fear not help is at hand in the form of a Minnie Mouse-esque bow bun!

Usually my attempts to play around with my hair and throw together a hairstyle (a myth I assure you!) go awry and ordinarily end with me clutching my hair in two frizzy clumps on either side of my head and ultimately throwing it into a bobble and having done with it!

However one day, and one day only, the clouds parted and my misfortune melted away temporarily as one of my hairstyles turned to be a giant success and yes, you guessed it I achieved the Minnie Mouse 'Bow Bun'

In celebration of my mass achievement I would like to share with you my 3 step guide to achieving the Minnie Mouse Bow Bun.

You will need:
 1 Regular Hair Bobble
Lots of bobby pins
A tin of hairspray

Step 1:  Begin by taking your hair as high as possible on your head and put it through a bobble once as normal, then bring it around a second time but do not pull all of the way through. (This will create a mini loop as you can see from the picture on the left)

Step 2: Using the loop of hair you have just created, split this in two using your fingers to create two even loops (they may look a bit messy, this is normal) Form these loops into two rounded hair buns using your hands (where the patience comes in handy)

Step 3: Using your hair pins, pin both of the buns into place (as many as you feel necessary) To get your middle section, you should still have a wee bit extra from where you left your loop, take that around the front, and secure with more pins! 

Finally spray with as much hairspray as you see fit and you're done!

I hope you have enjoyed my first ever how to post, to keep updated follow me on Bloglovin or send me a Tweet!


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