Monday 26 March 2018

Goodbye Granite City Girl

I didn't think this post would be quite as difficult to write as it is, but I suppose we all knew this was coming shortly. Despite the almost 8 months of silence on my part I still feel saddened and shocked to be writing this!

We have been through quite a lot on this little corner of the internet these last 4 years. A graduation, a wedding, 2 house moves, a couple of career jumps and finally a Granite City baby and not to mention the countless reviews, phases and experiences we have shared, truly this feels like saying goodbye to an old friend.

So far motherhood has been a rollercoaster of a journey, a journey which thus far I've selfishly kept to myself and my family. Really it feels a little as though these last few months has shaped me in such a way where I feel I have 'grown out' of this blog and that I'm ready to take on bigger challenges and move on to new and exciting adventures. Adventures which I hope you will soon join me on.

Until next time folks, thank you for the reads!

Granite City Girl

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