Wednesday 28 January 2015

Gender Stereotyping | Sexism in the Gym

Today I want to talk to you about something that happened to me quite recently, something a little different to the cheery reviews, antics and adventures you'll be used to seeing on Granite City Girl but I'm sure this will unfortunately be relatable to some or maybe even all of you and it's something I would really like to get off my chest before I explode into a big bundle of frizzy ginger rage one of these days! Granted that what I am about to vent about is indeed not the pivotal point of sexism in the world, the UK or even Aberdeen but it's an inequality I would like to share with you today from the depths of sexism and the relationship it shares with personal fitness in the gymnasium.

Not to toot my own horn but I take pride in my personal fitness, I eat relatively healthily, visit my local gym 3 times a week and walk at every opportunity I get and yes despite what I am about to share with you this will long continue. So where do I go from here? Well personally I have ventured out into lifting weights at the gym, nothing major but I'd really like to build up my strength and tone up a bit for summer (cliche I realise this) and that's when it all started.

My local Pure gym are not known for having an abundance of weight lifting equipment but I can guarantee there are at least two of everything in the one closest to me, so I just don't understand the recent phenomena sweeping the males (in particular) in attendance at my local where they choose to stand, stare, sneer, shuffle and generally share my personal space when I'm trying to get a workout in. I'm not sure if it's down to sheer lack of manners driven by their parents neglectful tendencies which has caused them to think that this sort of thing is acceptable behaviour, but today I'm just going to tell you that no, it is not okay.

In fact in terms of 'gymnasium etiquette' it is the furthest thing from okay. I only noticed it from a couple of incidences, when I sit down ready to rock (yes, rock) the weightlifting apparatus and suddenly a figure appears before me  quite obviously waiting for me to leave, and maybe, just maybe they reckon if they stare at me long enough and make me uncomfortable enough then I will just give up and leave. But those incidences are not even the ones which prompted me to write this incredibly angry and ranty (apologies) post today. Instead this was prompted by two boys, obviously gym buddies, who appeared at my side and started chatting about me, my weight lifting ability and apparently lack of drive, stamina or determination because and I quote 'I'm just a girl.'

Now I won't bore you with the intense details of their incredibly offensive and down right sexist dialogue that actually prompted me not only to leave the weight lifting equipment for the evening, but to actually leave the gym, it isn't any wonder statistics have shown girls and women are less likely to take part in sports or fitness related activities if this is the type of behaviour we are to expect in the gym. As you can probably guess this exchange angered me at first but then made me feel incredibly self conscious approaching any equipment that wasn't 'for girls' and that's when it really started to feel ridiculous and made me really get thinking about gender. Pre school gender stereotypes seem to stick with us from pink prams for girls and action men for boys, all the way through school, college and now our local gym?! Steppers and cross trainers for girls, press bench for boys?! This is ridiculous, why not take this a step further and start a colour coding system?

Since that perception altering day I have rebuilt my confidence with weight at home then been back to the gym and indeed started weight lifting publicly again, despite similar incidents happening every second day I go it seems, but I persevere and on a couple of occassions have proceeded to point out alternative equipment these ignorant people can use which achieves the same effect, much to my amusement and their embarrassment.

Just as a message out there to all of the individuals who condone this behaviour, think there is nothing wrong with it or indeed believe weight lifting is not for women and girls, if you proceed to par take in this activity, lacking in manners and etiquette, I can guarantee if the lady on that converging press is anything like me she will take longer, maybe even get out her phone, take increased amounts of water breaks and generally stall until you shift your body and your attitude.

Have you ladies (or indeed gents) ever faced the same issue? Or perhaps you've faced a similar problem in your local gym or just in the world in general, I'd love to share a rant with you! Be sure to share your experiences in the comments below, come chat with me about it on Twitter or of course if you love rants like these, enjoy the occasional review and life related posts be sure to follow Granite City Girl on Bloglovin!

Until next time folks, I'll be the one taking my sweet time on the weight machines!

H.Elizabeth xx


  1. Wow, this is repulsive! I wouldn't pay any attention to be honest; keep lifting weights girl!

    1. The more I think about it the angrier I get, I actually had myself second guessing whether or not it was an over reaction but then I thought well, if I feel this uncomfortable then others might too!

      Hannah xx

  2. Some of the "men" in my gym have a habit of standing directly behind me whilst I'm bent over in front of a mirror. I'm not sure if they do it on purpose or if it's just me being paranoid so I just carry on and glare at them until they move. Don't let them know you're bothered! They're probably just scared of strong women. ;)

    Christy x
    Dinner Stories

    1. I actually see this happen to other girls in the gym too, I reckon some people just buy a gym membership to gawp at people and that's really just sad!

      Hannah xx

  3. I don't go to the gym for these reasons! I can't be bothered with being made to feel uncomfortable!


    1. It's really sad that incidents like this can put people off

      Hannah xx

  4. I hated the Pure Gym in Aberdeen when I went a few times in my first year of uni, so much so that I eventually cancelled my membership a few months in! That really is awful behaviour from those individuals!

    Lisa | Wanderlust and Daydreams x

    1. That's a shame, granted though it isn't the best gym, I try to go on quieter days now and I have just started leaving my headphones in, if somebody wants on after me they can wait elsewhere quietly, it just comes down to manners really!

      Hannah xx


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