Wednesday 29 July 2015

Scrub a dub dub | Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub Review

After bumping a little bit of this product from my friends shower a few weeks ago, yes really and I am terribly sorry but I couldn't resist, I have been obsessed and quite honestly on the hunt for one of these to call my own, yep from the title you've guessed it, it's the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub and I am head over heels!

Ever since my courtship with Soap and Glory began all of those years ago I have forever been a scrub em and leave em type of girl, the cleanliness and soapiness of the fragrance enticed me in and from then I have been a goner, swearing I would try nothing exfoliation wise every again. Oh boy was I wrong, it's safe to say now I'm a Sugar Crush convert and this is one infatuation that's built to last.

Upon opening the Sugar Crush body scrub I wouldn't blame you if you thought it looked more like a chip n dip than a beauty product, but don't let first impressions and looks deceive you there's more to this little goodie than meets the eye. Boasting a make up of fresh lime, lemons, vanilla musk and almond oil with exfoliating properties like sea salt and brown sugar and moisturising agents like macadamia oil (I'm a sucker for skin oils!) Sugar Crush will leave your arms, legs, elbows, booty and general body buffed to a high sheen and silky smooth.

The lemon and lime properties are what really make the shower experience come alive, particularly in the mornings, afterwards you feel so energized and awake it's hard not to fall in love as well of course to be ready to greet the day. I now use this scrub twice a week, usually after my weekly hair minimizing rituals and it leaves me feeling smooth for days and ready to take on the world - now can your shower scrub do that?! I follow this with my trusty nivea moisturiser and I'm good to go!

Whats next for Granite City Girl and Soap and Glory? I don't know, perhaps I may venture forth into shower gels and moisturising creams but we shall see, what is your favourite Soap and Glory product? I'd love to hear what your picks from the brand are! Be sure to leave a comment below, come share your faves with me on Twitter or if you'd just like to see more from me be sure to follow the blog on Bloglovin'

Until next time folks, scrub a dub dub.

H.Elizabeth x


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