Wednesday 11 March 2015

Wishlist | Fitness Fashion

It has been some time since I have done a wishlist post, in fact I think it may be coming on to 2 or 3 months since I last did one of these, and this is mainly because I have been on a rather dire spending ban and you know avoiding temptation is the best way to keep your word. Of course this didn't stop me from fantastically obliterating my bank balance within one week of payday last month, but today I bring you a different kind of wishlist, a wishlist that I myself deem as far more practical and of use to me than the aesthetic wants and needs I usually face and that my friends is a fitness wish list.
It's no secret that in the recent weeks I have stepped up my gym game, attending some classes, gymming it 3 times a week and walking at every given opportunity (I have successfully only taken the bus 3 or 4 times this year!) but of course with this upsurge in activity I have found myself seriously lacking in appropriate attire (I literally have 2 vests, 2 pairs of exercise trousers, 2 sports bras and 1 pair of trainers- isn't that just a bit sad?) so today I thought I would share my latest wants and honestly needs from the world of fitness, fashion and sports.


BooHoo Jazzy Panelled Leggings
I've been on the hunt for some jazzier leggings for working out for a little while now, I keep seeing people in the gym with all of these fabulous printed sports trousers and leggings and I'm so jealous! So I resolve, now that I have lost a bit more weight I'm no longer going to hide away on the corner treadmill with the same old black workout trousers instead I'm getting jazzy with it!

Sweaty Betty Seamless Pants
Now really, what are these if not practical? I always worry when I'm in the gym that everybody is going to see my pants because of a lot of impractical choices on my part admittedly for my undergarments, but now I have found a solution! I think.

These may be the greatest thing since sliced bread. I first discovered the invisibobble when it came with one of my Glamour Beauty Boxes last year and I loved wearing them, they didn't pull on my hair, rip anything from my head and they gave me kink free styles which was a bonus! Of course being the klutz that I so well and truly am I have already lost ALL of my invisibobbles and can definitely be doing with some for the gym!

Resistance Bands
As a self confessed slave to trend, seeing these around my gym has made me want one! They seem so versatile and I think they could help me in a variety of ways (especially if I get scared off the weights again!) and given that I'm feeling incredibly bored of cardio at the moment a resistance band may be a nice change of pace in terms of weight and strength training.

Eco Yoga Mat
In short, I have been a cheap skate in the last year. I picked up my yoga mat in a sale at TK Maxx about a year ago just because I fancied one, but little did I know at the time it would become a weekly fitness staple, a staple I might add that has been getting on my wick. As you're of course meant to, during yoga or floor exercises I sweat quite a bit and as a recent experience of downward facing dog almost turned into a trip to A & E  due to a rather spectacular face plant I decided it was time to retire my old mat and search for something bigger and better (preferably slip proof and sturdier!)

I hope you've enjoyed this very rare wishlist today I hope this has inspired you in some small healthy, fitness related way and really I apologise as I have been so selfish trying to give myself a little bit more of a kick up the backside. Of course leave your comments below I would love to know what is on your wishlist or if you think there is something I should add to mine let me know! As always catch me on Twitter for a wee chat or if you'd like to keep up with the latest Granite City posts be sure to follow me on Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, feeling fit!

H.Elizabeth x


  1. I love that places like Boohoo and Misguided are doing such great workout wear - it's seriously fab!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

    1. Me too it's so handy! I hate having to go out and pay a fortune in sports shops for quality fashionable fitness gear, this way we get the best of both.

      Hannah | Granite City Girl

  2. This flow around the body is controlled by a one-way valve mechanism. Bouncing on a trampoline causes the valves to close on the way up and open on the way down. Gravity becomes zero at the top of the bounce, so you become weightless..


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