Friday 20 May 2016

Not another blogger event | Spring Grazing with Giraffe

Spring, spring, spring. With each new spring and lamb bleat in the fields there's another new menu popping up at another restaurant, and when that happens, you can bet we bloggers are there with bells on and our forks at the ready. This week Giraffe invited the Abzmeet gang and a few others along to sample their brand new spring menu, featuring starters of all varieties, mains of all tastes, creeds and religions and desserts so delectable you can't help but order one of each! (maybe just me) And let's not get started on the cocktails.

For we Aberdonians and fellow Granite City gal pals (and boy pals I ain't sexist!) our Giraffe restaurant is situated on the upper level of my much beloved shopping centre Union Square. In amongst a sea of Italians, pizza huts and budget restaurants is one of me favourite places to go for a 'nice meal' so when they came a callin' you know I  was one of the first to answer. 

We arrived on the evening and got the choice of sampling a starter, main and cocktail or main, dessert and cocktail... guys is that even a choice?! The food I ended up going for on the night was their main of a new Harissa Chicken Burger which is basically a spiced chicken burger with an assortment of garden weeds and a side of chips...I am of course exaggerating! What I mean is there is a lot of veg in the burger but it's lovely all the same if you're into eatin' greens. And to finish off a dessert of white chocolate and passion fruit cheesecake which was DELICIOUS but very very filling and perhaps one to miss if you haven't got the sweetest of sweet tooths. 

Now I dedicate a paragraph to my cocktail.... my cocktail. Finally I chose one that wasn't a bum! Usually I'm a terrible judge of cocktail, I'll see a flavour I traditionally like for example lemon, strawberry or mint and go for it right away only to find it's whisky based, tequila infused or generally just a bit too much for me to handle. Quite a running theme in my life I dare say. Tonight though, tonight I struck gold...well yellow as it was a mango cocktail I went for. The cocktail I chose, mainly because most others chose it, was a Mango Mule, and all I'll say is it's a vodka, mango, long, tall glass of deliciousness and I was only sad I didn't have 2, or 4!

Overall I'm pleased to see Giraffe moving away from the sort of homely, warming dishes I usually associate with their brand and they're offering something a bit lighter, fresher tasting and generally spring-y. Though if you're not into Portuguese style dishes and cooking at the very least I recommend popping in for a cocktail...and a dessert, you won't regret it!

As per you can catch me on the usual channels chatting beauty, travel and probably cats and more beauty on Twitter, see more looky looks on Instagram and Facebook and of course more from the blog on Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, I wanted to pop in a giraffe noise here but I'm not sure they make one!

H.Elizabeth x

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