Friday 2 October 2015

Blogger Tag | 11 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Today I'll be doing my first blogger tag in a long, long time as I have been tagged by Karen of Tiny Bird Heart to take part in the 11 things you didn't know about me tag. This is right up my street becasuse as you guys probably already know I'm super nosy and can't wait to pass my questions along and get all of the gory bloggery details from everyone else. Without further ado here are 11 things you didn't know about me:
1. Your favourite blog
I follow so many blogs on Bloglovin that it's really difficult to pick just one, but if we're thinking about one I revisit on a regular basis then it would have to be Becky's Milk Bubble Tea, I think her photography is gorgeous and I love her week round ups from instagram, overall two very enthusiastic thumbs up! 

2. Your favourite holiday destination so far
This year my husband and I spent our honeymoon in Paris and a trip to Disneyland and it has got to be the highlight of my year. The weather was perfect and we had so many fun activities planned from a romantic dinner cruise to going a bit crazy on the rides in Disneyland it's definitely my one to top! 

3. The last film you watched
This might be a weird one but the last film I watched was the 51st State with Samuel L Jackson, Robert Carlyle and Meatloaf, it was on BBC a few days ago and it was by far one of the oddest movies I have ever seen. A synopsis for you would be lots of drugs, explosive diarrhea and Sam L Jackson in a kilt... 

4. Your favourite teddy or soft toy growing up
I don't think as a child I was particularly attached to one teddy or soft toy but I did like socks and dusters, so take from that what you will! 

5. Your favourite decade
Fashion wise I have to say the 1960's, when I was a teenager I went through a mass phase of flower crowns and baby doll dresses and I just love the music that came from that decade like Dusty Springfield and Nancy Sinatra, but tech wise I have to say I'm pretty happy with here and now.

6. The last person you retweeted and what it said
The last person I retweeted is really a company, specifically STV Aberdeen and it was giving news on our brand new potential Cat Cafe which I wrote a little bit about here.

7. Your middle name(s)
Since getting married last year this has changed as I now have two middle names as I was very reluctant to give up my last name so I just shifted everything up, so now my full name is Hannah Elizabeth Cosgrove Adams.

8. Who was your favourite Spice Girl?
Need you ask! Ginger spice was definitely my favourite, I loved her hair colour and how she owned it and really I just related, is that a little sad?

9. What are you currently reading?
I'm so bad at starting books and never finishing them just because you know... life. But at the moment I am half reading Stephen King's Misery and I'm loving it, I love reading horror novels as I'm far too scared and squeamish to watch the movies.

10. Do you play any instruments?
Nope unfortunately I do not have a musical bone in my body though I do wish I could play something cool, but then doesn't everyone?

11. Can you curl your tongue?!
Yes I can, I can also lick my elbow in case you wanted to continue the freakery here!

So guys the rules are simple, as always tag the blogger who selected you for this tag and answer the questions at the bottom, keep the love going by tagging more bloggers in your post and ask your own 11 questions. Today I'd like to tag Lisa of Diary of a Jaded Zombie, Dyan of the Little Blog of Everything and Jude of The Wee Blondie, and ladies I want to know:

1. Who is your blogging inspiration?
2. What are your hobbies other than blogging?
3. Dead or alive who would you love to have dinner with?
4. What is your favourite childhood memory?
5. Where is your favourite place to shop?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
7. What is your favourite drink at Starbucks / Costa?
8. If you could only have one make up product what would it be?
9. Would you rather have bushy brows or unruly underarms?
10. What is your favourite film?
11. What is your 'party trick'?

Can't wait to read your responses ladies, be sure to leave me your links to them in the comments below or on Twitter, apologies for the weirdies. And as for the rest of you lovely lot reading this post if there's anything you'd like to know or if you'd even like to just answer these yourself be sure to leave me your responses in the comments, and as always if you liked this post and you'd like to see more of my face, tags and general oddballness be sure to follow Granite City Girl on Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, contemplating bushy brows and body hair!

H.Elizabeth x

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