Wednesday 20 July 2016

Dealing with Trolls | My Instagram Experience

 If ever there was a bloggers hand book on how to deal with any life situation it'd be super short and only contain three words. 'Write about it,' You had a bad day? Write about it. You had a good day? Write about it. You got angry about a topic? Write about it. So shockingly today when I had my first ever experience of a troll on social media I decided what better, more therapeutic way to deal with this than to write about it? And here we are!

Trolls, just in case you've never been unfortunate enough to experience one, is someone who essentially will bully someone from behind the safety of their computer, tablet or phone screens. Usually the troll in question will post a comment to rile someone up or hurt someones feelings with no prompting whatsoever. Or in short, someone who has nothing else better to do with their time in life than comment on strangers posts in an attempt to validate their own existence.

So. My experience. As you guys know I have an instagram account where I showcase my work, make up on my own face, make up on my clients faces and any and all things in between, new products, new releases, news pieces on beauty and well everything basically, and I had never had any negative feedback on my work or what I post that was until a couple of weeks ago when I posted the above picture with a caption about how unhappy I was due to hayfever in the picture. The private message that followed was ridiculous!

'Hi, you have a very big nose you need plastic surgery,' 

Never one to rise to a bully I promptly reported the user to Instagram, blocked her and put it out of my mind but admittedly it gave me a bit of a knock for a good 20 minutes after said message was received. Luckily I like myself. I like my face, I like all of it's quirks, so called defects and bits and pieces that make me up, because it's all mine. Not very much can be said for this particular girls personality on the other hand, you see I can change my face if I want to, I can throw money at it and make things go away, nip things here, tuck things there, but honey, personality transplants are still under development.... and that's too bad.

My best advice I would say if you ever find yourself in a similar situation is to block, report and recover because honestly it isn't nice, no matter how ridiculous the comment, how confident you are as a person or how many times it happens to you it isn't a nice feeling. I've had people take pictures of me, caption them and send them around school. I have had comments posted on my personal Facebook account. I have had people start group chats about me and really all it does is display how little they have going on in their lives by discussing mine.

And remember if the trolls ever get to you remember the immortal words of the great Tay Tay.... haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate! Or drop me a comment below and tell me what your mantra is for dealing with negativity.

As usual you can catch me ignoring the trolls and serving some harsh realness to them sometimes on my socials, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or keep up with me and my positivity on Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, Tay Tay it up!

H.Elizabeth x

This post is dedicated to the troll....thanks for the content idea!


  1. This is horrible! Glad you were able to push it to one side and not let it get to you!


    1. Yeah people are horrible sometimes, just one bad apple thus far thank goodness!

      Hannah | Granite City Girl

  2. I can't understand why people feel the need to be nasty like that. Love how you have risen above it and I for one love the photos on your Instagram! I wish I had your make up skills!

    Michelle x

    1. Far too much time on their hands, cliche but ain't nobody got time fo that! Thank you for the compliment Michelle it means a lot!

      Hannah | Granite City Girl

  3. Was she selling plastic surgery? Might have been a bad sales pitch...
    Love the post, and your positive attitude :)

  4. That's awful! I know a comment like that would really hurt me so you're so strong to be able to overcome it! I always think haters are just jealous! - Maria| BeautyMatters

    1. Thank you Maria, it is tough, but after years of handling it at school I've developed quite a thick skin which has just made me a better person I think!

      Hannah | Granite City Girl


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