Wednesday 5 November 2014

November Wishlist | Winter Wants

Hello everyone, so it's that time of the month again and this month I'm going to be sharing my list of Winter Wants before the proper festive season kicks in and my personal spending budget is knocked down to zero.

This months wants revolve around a mix of the home, beauty and fashion. Which I find incredible given that my make up drawer is at capacity, my wardrobe is bursting at the seams and my home is so full of junk I could easily host a sale in the midst of the chaos. If anything the most sensible thing that ought to be on this list would be extra storage space or better yet a brand new home (but let's be realistic here and just keep buying the 'junk')

The amount of gorgeous home things in Next and Debenhams at the moment is unreal, and yes, it is technically for the festive season but some of the goodies I've spotted recently are perfect additions for a year round homey feel!

#1 Grey / Silver Cushions
I have recently been getting blogger home envy and decided I need to get my bum in gear! Our home is overrun with stuff, just stuff everywhere! So in an effort to clean house, I have made a list of homewares I would like to accentuate our flat with and number one is brand new 'grown up' cushions and we chose silver!

#2 Make Up Brush Holder
Unfortunately my make up brush holder at the moment leaves a lot to be desired. The amount of make up I have managed to clart on my Real Techniques holder is unbelievable, so I endeavour to find a nice (preferably silver) pot to hold all of my brushes. This little doll pen and pencil pot caught my eye in Paperchase recently but I might just have to hold out for something a little more homely since that's what we're going for now.

#3 Smelly Goodies
By which I mean Yankee smelly goodies for my house. I recently bought a beautiful silver plated candle holder with a gorgeous smelling candle but unfortunately the scent doesn't linger as long as I would have prefered (for £10!) so I have decided to invest in a slightly safer bet and go for some Yankees, since I know they're long lasting and gorgeous. I'm very much looking forward to checking out their Winter and Christmas range!

#4 A Winter Cape
These have been knocking about for a little while now and being the curious cat I am I decided to just see if they suited me, and you know upon trying it on I don't even care if they do! They are warm, they are comfy, versatile, beautiful, really the list goes on. I currently have my eye on a monochrome number from New Look which will be mine...oh yes, it will be mine!

#5 Party Lashes
My love of the lash has been revived! Having been out of the loop for quite a while I hadn't noticed the brand new range of Eyelure Katy Perry lashes stalking my Superdrug and Boots stores, until I invested in the 'feline' set for my Halloween costume last week. Having now bought these, I just can't stop, Katy Perry party lashes have very quickly become my must have for the Winter and party season!

If I get these things, especially given I have yet to begin Christmas shopping... has anyone really started yet? Not only will I be chuffed with myself and my bank balance but I will be incredibly surprised!

What have you been lusting after lately? Maybe you've already tried out some of the above or have recommendations on where I might be able to hunt down a couple of things, if so drop me a comment below, come tell me about it on Twitter or if you'd like to keep up with my latest, come find me on Bloglovin

Until next time folks!

H.Elizabeth x


  1. I love Katy Perry eyelashes! Those make up brush holders are so cute. :)
    Alex //

  2. They're the best lashes I've ever used, I normally wear the 'Sweetie Pie' lashes but for Christmas I think I'll shake things up a bit! :)

  3. I love the look of lashes but I am always so lazy when it comes to putting them on! Cute just found your page from Facebook would love to network with you :) xoxo Amber

  4. They do tend to be quite a commitment! That sounds great Amber, I always wonder if people read the Facebook posts! Just had a scoot over to your blog, lovely stuff it's so upbeat :) xx


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