
Tuesday 14 February 2017

We've got some news... | Granite City Baby

Speculations of my untimely demise have undoubtedly crossed the minds of a few, rumors circulating I'd run off and joined the circus had perhaps even done the rounds. Or maybe some of you guessed right and I've just been taking some time off to celebrate and plan for some very big changes coming to the Adams house this year...

Guys...this isn't just a food baby!


Yes, I'm pregnant, I've quite recently crossed over into my second trimester, which means our baby will be due to arrive on (well around) the 25th of July 2017 (fashionably late like their Mum I'm sure or you know...just busy sleeping like their Dad)

We are of course elated, feeling so full of love and understandably also pretty terrified but mostly just very excited to be extending our family.

If you guys are at all interested in reading pregnancy updates, hearing about my first trimester symptoms (sickness and headaches if you need the jist), baby hauls (because the clothes - oh my god I'm excited) or just about my general experiences as I enter this new phase of life be sure to leave a comment below, come chat to me on Twitter and of course you can see regular updates on Instagram and Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, 

H.Elizabeth (and the bump)


  1. Massive congratulations! I was just thinking you hadn't blogged for a while - it makes sense now! Yes please to the baby clothes, its so easy to just stand and squeal in the Disney store at all the cuteness!

  2. Huge congratulations to you both! Looking forward to hearing more about your pregnancy journey :) xx

    Katie Leanne

  3. Massive Congratulations to you and Nick! So exciting! The baby clothes are just ... ugh!! Xxx


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