
Friday 18 November 2016

What's Black, White & Offers Kickass Gelato? | Mad Penguin Aberdeen

Who is a penguin's favourite family member?

Aunt Artica!
No we're not talking bad wrapper jokes, chocolate biscuits or even penguins themselves (shocking right?), today we're talking about a brand new business taking the sweet scene in the Granite City by storm and really stepping up the game where frozen desserts are concerned, Mad Penguin!
I had the pleasure of being invited along to Mad Penguin the day after opening to sample their gelato range in store, meet the owner, Mike, and hear a bit more about the brains behind Mad Penguin. And after having a paroose of their Facebook page, seeing just some of the delicious flavours they offer, to say I was excited would be a gross understatement.

We visited the store on a cold, rather wintery evening, but I wasn't going to let a little cool air and wind and rain and you know the general demeanor of Scotland in winter keep me from my cool, refreshing dessert!

When we entered we were greeted by the cheeriest staff members and perhaps the biggest selection of gelato flavours I've ever seen in my life! A far cry from the run of the mill flavours we're used to in the 'Deen, here you'll find no Mars bar ice creams, Irn Bru icicles or indeed Mr Whippys in sight, instead what you'll find is far more sophisticated, far more exciting and FAR more flavorsome (and dare I say healthy?!)

Made from real, natural ingredients, sourced as fresh and locally as possible, Mad Penguin staff can not only tell you exactly what's in each and every gelato in store but perhaps more impressively, can cater to any and all audiences in search of a sweet fix. From a soy range for the lactose intolerant to a sugar free range for diabetics, suffice to say Mad Penguin are changing the lives of many one gelato at a time!
Mad Penguin's Soy, Sugar Free and Lactose Free range!
After sampling what I can only call a ridiculous amount of gelato I secured a few firm flavour faves, namely the Pear and Star Anise, Watermelon, Baileys, and finally the Orange, Lemon and Juniper Berry - these are just some of my personal favourites - if these however aren't for you I guarantee they'll have something more to your taste, and if not? Don't fret as the flavours change as much as owner Mike changes his mind and get his mad scientist experimenting hat on!

It was such a pleasure speaking to Mike after our tour of their premises, it has certainly been a labour of love and has been a long time coming. Having studied the art of gelato in Italy for a number of years Mike wanted to bring an authentic Italian experience to his business and of course cater to the masses without excluding anybody - which he has certainly mastered. Mike and his staff are so friendly, so accommodating and so passionate about what they do it just makes me beam having them as part of the independent business scene in Aberdeen - particularly when what they're selling is so damn tasty! In the future Mad Penguin are planning to cater for breakfast audiences too in the form of fresh yoghurts, granola and all sorts and they already have kick ass coffee connoisseur, Paul covering your caffeine bases (Rose flavoured latte guys..... and that's all I'll say)

If you're up the Deen way please I implore you, take a visit to Mad Penguin, you certainly won't regret it but I can't promise you won't leave without a new addiction!

You can find Mad Penguin in the Netherkirkgate area of Aberdeen and of course on Facebook and Instagram if you fancy a nosy!

And of course you can find me lurking undoubtedly inside Mad Penguin but if you're tastes are more digitally based then you can find me on Twitter, Instagram and more from the blog on Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, why did the Mad Penguin cross the road?

H.Elizabeth x

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