
Friday 4 November 2016

Saks x Manic Panic | Maintaining Coloured Hair

In case you hadn't noticed, I have pink hair.

Okay as you all know I'm the first to admit that I'm not the greatest with hair and the extent of my styling abilities goes as far as a messy bun and on good days a high pony. Otherwise, nada. So it was probably a surprise to my hairdresser (and myself if I'm honest) when I walked into my tried, trusted and much loved Saks and said, 'make it pink' since you know coloured and brightly coloured hair in particular is one of the most high maintenance things you could probably do to your hair ever.

But not one to be discouraged from being a pastel princess I decided to enlist the help of my hairdresser and throw myself mercilessly at her feet and ask her for the top tips for maintaining brightly coloured hair;

1. Weekly top ups with Manic Panic;
Saks gave me my little Manic Panic tub home with me to give myself at at home top up for when the colour does fade - just as well too as I'm a serial washer! I've made up a couple of little tubs (using my recyclable Lush pots) of the colour I need, pastellised using colour protect conditioner by Tres Emme.

2. Wash sparingly;
Perhaps the most difficult thing for me was coming to terms with not washing my hair daily, my head can be a bit of a grease ball when it isn't washed so I've had to do some serious 'training' I started with once every second day and attempted to move it to once every three....let's just say it's a work in progress.

3. Rinsing with cold water;
When I do dye my hair at home I rinse with cold water as the colour doesn't run quite as much with a colder temperature. Hey don't ask me to explain the science on this - I just work here!

4. Colour protect shampoo;
This is pretty much a given for anyone who not only has brightly coloured hair, but coloured hair in general, this will keep your colour looking more vibrant for a good few washes more than traditional colourants.

5. Visit Saks Hairdresser in Union Square! Since firs visiting the salon three long years ago can't you just tell how much love I have for them?

Do you have colourful or even simply coloured hair? How do you keep your colours looking vibrant and vivacious? Be sure to leave your tips and tricks in the comments below, come share them with me on Twitter or you can keep up with me and the blog on Instagram and Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, colour me pink!

H.Elizabeth x


  1. Fantastic Tips! I will be using some of these myself!

  2. Loving the pink hair :)! Having had coloured hair for a lot of years I know how hard it is to keep the colour as long as possible but the tips that you have given should help prolong it. I can only go to the second day at the very most for not washing my hair, I just can't go any longer as it just ends up a minging greasy mess. Never tried the cold rinse though, especially in winter it might give you brain freeze! Brrrr!!


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