
Tuesday 1 November 2016

October Overview | My month in Instas

Catch up

Here's to another month of 2016 gone, seriously where has the time gone? This has been another whirlwind month in my life, particularly in terms of blogging and the Aberdeen scene which continues to blow up with exciting new businesses, concepts and of course even more new blogger faces I had the pleasure of meeting. But enough about them! We're here to talk about me, and my monthly roundup in images.

1. This month I was pleased to dabble with even more great products as well as revisit some time honoured classes, and put them to good use and posted my first ever eye make up tutorial, which you can find right here.

2. Lush launched their Christmas range in stores and I was so excited that I went a little overboard and came out carrying 2 bags of goodies. Bears store food and fat for the winter, I store fresh bath bombs!

3. I had the pleasure of visiting Revolution earlier this month (on what can be described as the final day of the Scottish summer) to sample their brand spanking new pizza menu with my fellow bloggers. I was pleasantly surprised at how innovative they were with the flavours and how easily they put some creative twists on a time honoured classic. You can read my full review on that right here.

4. As well as sampling the culinary delights of the 'deen I was lucky enough to work alongside the BBC Good Food Show Scotland again this year to deliver a fab competition to win tickets to this years show, and to all you winners I look forward to seeing you along at the show!

5. And if food wasn't enough this month I also attended cocktail bar Orchid to sample their new winter cocktail menu, learn a bit more about their business and taste some gin.

6. In preparation for Halloween I bought a truckload of products to practice 'weenie make up on my face and came up with a couple of looks, one being my half skull half zombie...wait no...just my regular face...

7. And if food AND drink wasn't enough we also had our first ever Aberdeen Bloggers Halloween Party at Bo'sn in the Academy Shopping centre which was great fun, we sure are a creative bunch here in Aberdeen.

8. This month I re-launched Hannah Adams Make Up Artistry on Facebook and attended a fantastic Women into Business event with Amy Hardie of Amy Hardie Designs where we enjoyed an evening listening to Linton and Mac share their top business tips and networking with fellow business women in Aberdeen - and I can't wait for the next one in November!

9. Okay maybe this isn't big news to many, however I started watching Stranger Things this month and I am HOOKED and now finished - in about a day! About a year or so behind everyone else I know but hey, better late than never right?

Hopefully November will be just as exciting as October was and of course as usual you can keep up with me, my posts, my life, face and cat on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin.

Until next time folks, this has been my October overview.

H.Elizabeth x

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